Leer en linea Color Atlas of Biochemistry de Jan Koolman,Klaus-Heinrich Röhm Libro PDF, ePub, Mobile
[Download] Color Atlas of Biochemistry de Jan Koolman,Klaus-Heinrich Röhm Ebooks, PDF, ePub
Críticas Praise for this book: Books of this format are rare. Even more so are concise books of this caliber that cover such a wide array of biochemistry-related topics. This is the perfect book for students on the go, or physicians in need of a brief refresher. It provides sufficient Information in its summaries and rich illustrations to gain a basic understanding of any topic it covers. The updated edition is certainly worthwhile as additional areas such as blood clotting and the biochemistry of fatty tissues are now covered. -- Doody Enterprises, Inc. Reseña del editor Extraordinary color illustrations make biochemistry concepts easy to understand and retain Providing a powerful visual overview of the entire spectrum of human biochemistry, the third edition of the popular Color Atlas of Biochemistry is an ideal reference and study aid. It utilizes the signature 'Flexibook' format, consisting of double-page spreads with clear explanatory text on the left-hand page and exquisitely detailed full-color graphics on the right. These 'bite-sized' learning capsules ensure that your review of any given topic is quick, efficient, and comprehensive, allowing you to target the exact information you need for classroom and exam success. New features of this bestselling review book: Increased focus on pathobiochemical aspects and clinical correlations, especially useful for exam preparation in the clinical sciences New and expanded sections on the immune and digestive systems, motor proteins, transport processes, blood clotting and fibrinolysis, biochemistry of fatty tissue, metabolic integration, neurotransmitters and their receptors, signal transduction, and much more! Symbols for atoms, biomolecules, coenzymes, biochemical processes, and chemical reactions are color-coded to promote quick comprehension Computer graphics that provide simulated 3D representations of important molecules, making complex subject matter tangible Convenient color thumb index that guides you quickly through the book This superb didactic atlas has been used by medical and health science students worldwide since its first publication in German in 1994 and has since been translated into fifteen languages. Its unrivalled illustrations, concise text, and focused presentation all combine to create an excellent, high-yield study guide. Contraportada Praise for this book:Books of this format are rare. Even more so are concise books of this caliber that cover such a wide array of biochemistry-related topics. This is the perfect book for students on the go, or physicians in need of a brief refresher. It provides sufficient Information in its summaries and rich illustrations to gain a basic understanding of any topic it covers. The updated edition is certainly worthwhile as additional areas such as blood clotting and the biochemistry of fatty tissues are now covered. --Doody Enterprises, Inc. Providing a powerful visual overview of the entire spectrum of human biochemistry, the third edition of the popularColor Atlas of Biochemistry is an ideal reference and study aid. It utilizes the signature Flexibook format, consisting of double-page spreads with clear explanatory text on the left-hand page and exquisitely detailed full-color graphics on the right. These bite-sized learning capsules ensure that your review of any given topic is quick, efficient, and comprehensive, allowing you to target the exact information you need for classroom and exam success.New features of this bestselling review book:Increased focus on pathobiochemical aspects and clinical correlations, especially useful for exam preparation in the clinical sciencesNew and expanded sections on the immune and digestive systems, motor proteins, transport processes, blood clotting and fibrinolysis, biochemistry of fatty tissue, metabolic integration, neurotransmitters and their receptors, signal transduction, and much more!Symbols for atoms, biomolecules, coenzymes, biochemical processes, and chemical reactions are color-coded to promote quick comprehensionComputer graphics that provide simulated 3D representations of important molecules, making complex subject matter tangibleConvenient color thumb index that guides you quickly through the bookThis superb didactic atlas has been used by medical and health science students worldwide since its first publication in German in 1994 and has since been translated into fifteen languages. Its unrivalled illustrations, concise text, and focused presentation all combine to create an excellent, high-yield study guide. Biografía del autor Professor, Institute of Physiologic Chemistry, Philipps University, Marburg, Germany
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